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New to Astrology? These Courses Are for You!

Are you serious about astrology but unsure if you want to pursue it professionally? This course is designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to make that decision while building a solid foundation in astrology.

Become a Highly Trained Professional Astrologer

Our program is the perfect starting point, offering a comprehensive and carefully developed curriculum that has been refined and proven since 1997. You'll explore all facets of astrology, including modern techniques, Hellenistic practices, and traditional astrology methods. This is a course that will set you up for success, no matter where your astrological journey takes you.

Much like the construction of a house, astrology requires a strong foundation. Would you live in a house if the foundation wasn’t poured correctly? If your answer is no , then why risk it with astrology?

This course ensures that your foundation is built solidly, providing the true fundamentals of astrology that will support your future studies or personal practice.

What You’ll Gain:

A thorough understanding of both traditional and modern astrology techniques.

Practical skills to apply astrology effectively in your day-to-day life.

Confidence to determine whether professional astrology is your true calling.

Your Future in Astrology Starts Here

Over the course of this 4-year program, you’ll receive the knowledge and training to either pursue a professional career in astrology or apply your skills for personal growth and the benefit of your family and loved ones.

Whether you're destined to become a professional astrologer or simply wish to enrich your life with astrology, this course will give you the tools you need to succeed.


NAT-1 - Foundations in Astrology

Semester - 2

Course Outline

Class 1: The Great Circles and the Horoscope Celestial Sphere Equator, Ecliptic, Horizon, Zenith, and Nadir Day and Night Charts (sect)  

Class 2: Planetary Functions Role of the Planets Basic Meanings f the Visible Planets Basic Meanings of the Generational/Transpersonal Planets  

Class 3: Elements ad Modalities The Signs of Polarity, Element, Mode Planets Ruling Signs

Class 4: Contemporary Temperament Patterns Marc Edmond Jones Temperament Patterns 

Class 5: Hemispheres and Quadrants Sect by Placement in North/South Hemisphere with the Sun Introduction to Primary and Secondary Motion

Class 6: Astrological Houses Introduction to the Problem of House Divisions Groupings of the Houses by Pairs and Triangles

Class 7: Planets and Houses Planets in a Sign, Planets Ruling a Sign and Planets Ruling the Matters of a House

Class 8: The Major Aspects plus Inconjuncts The Vocabulary of Aspects (Partile, Orb, Under The Beams, Combustion, Cazimi)

Class 9: Sect The Basics of Essential Dignity and Debility Rulership vs. Affinity; Rulership, Detriment, Exaltation, Fall

Class 10: Introduction to Dispositors and Their Patterns

Class 11: Putting It Together; Chart Practicum  

Class 12: Final Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

NAT-2 - The Planets

Semester - 3

Course Outline

Class 1: Overview: The Many Roles of the Planets Planets as Nouns (Significators) and Planets as Verbs (Actions)

Class 2: Qualities of the Sun As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb

Class 3: Qualities of the Moon As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb

Class 4: Qualities of the Planets – Mercury As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb

Class 5: Qualities of the Planets – Venus and Mars As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb

Class 6: Qualities of Jupiter and Saturn As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb

Class 7: Qualities of the Transpersonal Planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Class 8: Essential Dignities Looking Closer at Planetary Conditions

Class 9: Accidental Dignities Looking Closer at Planetary Conditions

Class 10: Interpretation Practice Technique – The Helmsman

Class 11: Chart Practicum

Class 12: Final Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

NAT-3 - Deepening Planetary Delineation

Semester - 1

Course Outline

Class 1: Historical Overview History and Lineages of Astrology History of Different Types of Techniques  

Class 2: House Systems: Introducing Placidus

Class 3: Working with Interceptions  

Class 4: The Angles - Difference between the Angles and Angular Houses

Class 5: Lunar Nodes and Eclipses

Class 6: Other Calculated Points – Arabic Parts Part of Fortune/Part of Spirit Antiscia, Vertex

Class 7: Retrogrades and Synodic Cycles Retrograde Cycles and Inferior Planets Retrograde Cycles of Superior Planets Synodic Cycles

Class 8: Lunar Phases Using Phases in Aspects

Class 9: Other Points – The Big Four plus Chiron Ceres, Vesta, Juno, Pallas Athena, Chiron

Class 10: Interpretation: Working with the Grammar of the Chart

Class 11: Chart Practicum

Class 12: Final Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!


NAT-4 - Aspects & Disposition

Semester - 2

Course Outline

Class 1:Aspects, Orbs, and Configurations

Class 2: Hard Aspects

Class 3: Soft Aspects and their Configurations  

Class 4: Aspects by Latitude

Class 5: Minor Aspects I

Class 6: Minor Aspects II

Class 7: Close Aspect Networks

Class 8: Midpoints I

Class 9: Midpoints II

Class 10: Midpoints III

Class 11: Practical Application Standouts and Review

Class 12: Final Exam

Appendix – Aspects and Sacred Numbers

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

NAT-5 - Chart Synthesis

Semester - 3

Course Outline

Week 1 - Discussion of Classical and Modern Approaches to Delineation. Mystery Chart 1

Week 2 - Mystery Chart 1

Continue work on Mystery Chart 1

Week 3 - Mystery Chart 2

Week 4 - Mystery Chart 2

Continue work on Mystery Chart 2 k.

Week 5 - Mystery Chart 3 and Client Speak

Week 6 - Mystery Chart 3 and Issue Driven Questions

Week 7 - Mystery Chart 4

Week 8 - Mystery Chart 4

Continue working with Mystery Chart 4, Explain exam procedure.

Week 9

Exam week (no class)

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!


NAT-6 - Astronomy & Other Bodies

Semester - 1

Course Outline

Class Meeting 1: Motions of the Earth

Class Meeting 2: The Zodiacs and Systems of Measurement

Class Meeting 3: Planetary Nodes and Celestial Latitude

Class Meeting 4: Elongation, Altitude, and Antiscia

Class Meeting 5: Declination, Parallels, Contra-Parallels and Out Of Bounds

Class Meeting 6: Fixed Stars and the Ptolemaic Cosmos

Class Meeting 7: Practical Applications of Lessons 1-6

Class Meeting 8: Astronomy and Other Bodies

Class Meeting 9: Arabic Parts/Lots

Class Meeting 10: Derived Houses and Derivative Charts

Class Meeting 11: Chart Practicum: Career Focus

Class Meeting 12: Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

NAT-7 - Chart Calculations

Semester - 2

Course Outline

Class 1: Time, Relationship Between Time and Distance, Standard Time, Time Zones, Sidereal Time, MC

Class 2: Ephemeris. Calculating Greenwich Mean Time

Class 3: Calculating the positions of planets. Planetary factor. Retrograde planets. Lunar Nodes

Class 4: Local Sidereal Time, Calculating LST. Intermediate Longitudes and Constant Decimal (CD), Tables. Calculating Midheaven for Intermediate Longitudes

Class 5: Tables. Calculating House Cusps. Drawing a chart

Class 6: Calculations for Intermediate Latitudes. Solar Charts and Natural Charts

Class 7: Chiron. Vertex. Midpoints. Declinations

Class 8: Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

PSM-1 - Forecasting: Pinpointing Major Themes

Semester - 1

Course Outline

Class Meeting 1: Profections

Class Meeting 2: Firdaria/Zodiacal Releasing

Class Meeting 3: Classic Solar Returns

Class Meeting 4: Modern Solar Returns

Class Meeting 5: The Mathematics Behind Secondary Progressions

Class Meeting 6: Midterm Exam

Class Meeting 7: Understanding Secondary Progressions

Class Meeting 8: Using Planetary Cycles for Understanding Life Phases

Class Meeting 9: Final Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

Year Four

PSM-2 - Forecasting: Refining Technique & Consulting Practicum

Semester - 1

Course Outline

Class Meeting 1:

Using Primary Directions, Solar Directions, Tertiary and Minor Progressions

Class Meeting 2:

Using Progressed Declinations

Class Meeting 3:

Forecasting with Eclipses

Class Meeting 4:

Bringing It All Together: Combining Method and Message for the Client

Class Meeting 5:

Midterm Exam

Class Meeting 6:

Mystery Chart #1 and Consultation

Class Meeting 7:

Mystery Chart #2 and Consultation

Class Meeting 8:

Mystery Chart #3 and Consultation

Class Meeting 9:

Final Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

PSM-3 - Relationship Astrology

Semester - 2

Course Outline

Class Meeting 1: Relationship Patterns: The Capacity for Relationship

Class Meeting 2: Relationship Patterns & Synastry

Class Meeting 3: The Midpoint Composite

Class Meeting 4: The Davison Composite

Class Meeting 5: Family and Group Dynamics

Class Meeting 6: Review of Synastry, Combined Charts

Class Meeting 7: Planetary Resonance Cycles

Class Meeting 8: Practice: Synastry and Combined Charts

Class Meeting 9: Final Exam

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

PSM-4 - Professionalism & Ethics in Astrology

Semester - 3

Course Outline

Class Meeting 1: Introduction. The What and Why of Ethics. Responsibility for Ethical Practice.

Class Meeting 2: ISAR Ethics Standards and Guidelines.

Class Meeting 3: NCGR , AFA and AFAN Ethics Codes

Class Meeting 4: Do No Harm, Power and Dependence Issues – Boundaries

Class Meeting 5: Confidentiality

Class Meeting 6: Sexual Issues with Clients

Class Meeting 7: Counseling, Collegial Relationships

Class Meeting 8: Intellectual Property

Class Meeting 9: Prediction/Accuracy, Continuing Education

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

PSM-5 - Storytelling Techniques to Illustrate Readings

Semester - 3

Course Outline

Class Meeting 1: The Value of Stories

Class Meeting 2: The Elements of a Story

Class Meeting 3: Practice, practice, practice!

Class Meeting 4: More About Stories

Class Meeting 5: More About Stories, II.

Class Meeting 6: Review for the final exam.

All classes are held online via Zoom or GoToMeeting and are recorded if you can't make it!

All courses run for a total of 127 weeks across 4 years, and each course runs for one Semester. This course will graduate you as a Professional Practising Astrologer, ready to conduct your own astrology business and consultation practice.

An optional 5th year of Masters study is available with Business and Specialised Courses for particular brands of astrology available, including Medical, Horary, Electional and more.

Where possible, the International Academy of Astrology will run a new Basic Astrology: 001 course at the beginning of each semester, however enrolment numbers will determine the courses and number of classes for each course, each semester.

All classes are recorded and are made available to students to watch back at a later time

The Basic Astrology: 001 course does not involve homework tasks, nor does it contain a final exam. All other courses do.

Any questions about this package should be sent via email to: [email protected]

PACKAGE PRICE - (BASIC ASTROLOGY, NAT-1 to NAT-7 and PSM-1 to 5) Package Price = 6,990.00 USD (Normally- $7555.00 USD)








Empowering Your Life With Astrology!


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Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

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