NAT-5: Chart Synthesis


Must have completed NAT-1 through NAT-4

Course Description:

In Nat-5 of the Natal Studies Module we focus on helping you perfect your knowledge of the various techniques you’ve learned throughout these classes. These 10 weeks are devoted to the integration of the material you have learned so far in preparation for this important semester final.

During this semester, you will practice your skills in delineating natal charts. Some weeks will focus on modern delineation, other weeks will focus on classical delineation. Mystery Charts are used in the homework so that you can discover your biases when looking at a chart. Self-evaluation is a part of each week's homework after the mystery chart is revealed in the following class.

NAT-5 promises to be fun as well as a great learning experience.

Classes are held weekly.

Week 1 - Class 1: Discussion of Classical and Modern Approaches to Delineation. Mystery Chart 1

Class discussion on both approaches to chart delineation. Discussion on understanding chart themes. Mystery Chart 1 given as homework.

Week 2 - Class 2: Mystery Chart 1

Discussion of Mystery Chart 1. Continue work on Mystery Chart 1 for Homework.

Week 3 - Class 3: Mystery Chart 2

Discussion of Mystery Chart 1 work of previous weeks. Discuss what both methods seem to contribute to the overall synthesis. Introduce self-evaluation and validation of prep-work through bio. Mystery Chart 2 given as homework.

Week 4 - Class 4: Mystery Chart 2

Discussion of Mystery Chart 2. Continue work on Mystery Chart 2 for Homework.

Week 5 - Class 5: Mystery Chart 3 and Client Speak

Discussion of Mystery Chart 2 work from previous weeks. Discuss what both methods seem to contribute to the overall synthesis. Introduce Client speak. Mystery Chart 3 for Homework.

Week 6 - Class 6: Mystery Chart 3 and Issue Driven Questions

Discuss Mystery Chart 3. Discussion of what it means to meet a client where they are at and knowing when to refer.

Introduce the main issues arising from responding to issue-driven questions. Continue working with Mystery Chart 3 for Homework.

Week 7 - Class 7: Mystery Chart 4

Discussion of Mystery Chart 3 work from previous weeks. Mystery Chart 4 given as homework.

Week 8 - Class 8: Mystery Chart 4

Discussion of Mystery Chart 4. Continue working with Mystery Chart 4 for Homework, Explain exam procedure.

Week 9

Exam week (no class)

Week 10 - Class 9: Discussion of Final Exam chart


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