NAT-2 - The Planets
7.00pm-8.30pm (EST)
Price - $735.00 USD (includes e-Book + Enrolment Fee)
Prerequisite: Students must complete NAT-1
Course Description:
This course covers the natural significations of the planets, the mythology of the planets, and the important roles planets play in horoscope analysis. Building upon the techniques learned in NAT-1 this course will focus on the understanding of planetary archetypes, guide the student on how to observe and recognise them in real life, thus develop and practice their vocabulary and astrological grammar in their work charts.
Students will also develop their knowledge of essential dignities introduced in NAT-1 and learn how to calculate both essential and accidental dignities scores and will be exposed to the origin of the symbolism of these classical concepts, as additional components in assessing strength, quality and quantity of planetary expression. They will be introduced in the basic symbolism of Chiron and the four major asteroids (Ceres, Vesta, Juno and Pallas Athena), through their mythology and astronomical properties.
By the end of this course, the student will be equipped in recognising, organising and expressing interpretations of planetary symbolism as metaphor in the astrological paradigm. Having been exposed in the theory and practice of the numerous ways a planet functions in a chart, with a focus on planet in a house, they will further explore this material in more depth in NAT-3.
Classes are held weekly.
Class 1: Overview: The Many Roles of the Planets Planets as Nouns (Significators) and Planets as Verbs (Actions)
Class 2: Qualities of the Sun As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb
Class 3: Qualities of the Moon As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb
Class 4: Qualities of the Planets – Mercury As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb
Class 5: Qualities of the Planets – Venus and Mars As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb
Class 6: Qualities of Jupiter and Saturn As An Archetype As a Noun or Verb
Class 7: Qualities of the Transpersonal Planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Class 8: Essential Dignities Looking Closer at Planetary Conditions
Class 9: Accidental Dignities Looking Closer at Planetary Conditions
Class 10: Interpretation Practice Technique – The Helmsman
Class 11: Chart Practicum
Class 12: Final Exam
Required materials:
NAT-2 The Planets e-Course Book
The cost of this book ($36.00) is included in the registration fee, and the e-Course Book will be in Moodle for you.
The following required materials are available through the IAA online shopping areas: