NAT-6: Astronomy and Other Bodies
7.30-9.00pm (EST) BOOK NOW
Must have completed NAT-1 through NAT-5
Class Description:
In this course you will learn relevant astronomy along with the delineation of fixed stars, declinations, antiscia, and much more. Your skills in chart delineation will expand to include the use of derived houses and the introduction of theme building through assessing areas of life.
Classes are held weekly.
Class Meeting 1: Motions of the Earth
Class Meeting 2: The Zodiacs and Systems of Measurement
Class Meeting 3: Planetary Nodes and Celestial Latitude
Class Meeting 4: Elongation, Altitude, and Antiscia
Class Meeting 5: Declination, Parallels, Contra-Parallels and Out Of Bounds
Class Meeting 6: Fixed Stars and the Ptolemaic Cosmos
Class Meeting 7: Practical Applications of Lessons 1-6
Class Meeting 8: Astronomy and Other Bodies
Class Meeting 9: Arabic Parts/Lots
Class Meeting 10: Derived Houses and Derivative Charts
Class Meeting 11: Chart Practicum: Career Focus
Class Meeting 12: Exam
Required materials:
NAT-6 Astronomy & Other Bodies e-Course Book
The cost of this book ($36.00) is included in the registration fee, and the e-Course Book will be in Moodle for you.
Suggested/supplemental materials:
The following suggested and supplementary materials are available through the IAA online shopping areas: