PSM-1: Forecasting: Pinpointing Major Themes
7.00-8.30pm (EST)
Prerequisites: This course is open to the General Public.
IAA Diploma Program students must have completed the Natal Studies Module. Due to the amount of homework in this class it is recommended that you take this class alone and not add a second one.
A 9-week survey course of various forecasting methods, including some of the mathematical calculations involved for progressing a natal chart, covering ancient Hellenistic techniques to modern times, including classical and modern solar returns.
Classes are held weekly.
Class Meeting 1: Profections
Class Meeting 2: Firdaria/Zodiacal Releasing
Class Meeting 3: Classic Solar Returns
Class Meeting 4: Modern Solar Returns
Class Meeting 5: The Mathematics Behind Secondary Progressions
Class Meeting 6: Midterm Exam
Class Meeting 7: Understanding Secondary Progressions
Class Meeting 8: Using Planetary Cycles for Understanding Life Phases
Class Meeting 9: Final Exam
Required materials:
The following required materials are available through the IAA online shopping areas: